Trackday Insurance for Bikes Single or Multi-Day

Product Information

What we cover - the basics

  • Single or Multi Day cover for bikes up to £25,000.
  • Accident Damage to your bike (whether your fault or not) while on a non-competitive trackday event.
  • Fire damage covered following accident.
  • Cover for all UK and European Circuits.


  • There is a cap of £100 per hour labour charge.
  • Cover is limited to damage caused while on the designated circuit but does not extend to cover damage caused in areas such as the Pit Garage or Paddock.

Significant exclusions

  • Any liability to other participants, to any third parties or to passengers or any property damage.
  • Damage to the race circuit / barriers.
  • Engine / mechanical "blow up" or breakage.
  • Loss / damage to computer logging equipment and Data.
  • Loss of market value.
  • Any lump sum payments for personal injury to you (unless you add optional Personal Injury Cover).
  • Vehicle recovery/transportation.
  • Any losses or expenses incurred, directly or indirectly.

Optional extras

  • Personal Injury Cover (Single Event) - For an additional premium, you can add cover that pays lump sums for fractures and accidental death or permanent total disablement for your trackday.

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Your Quote

Bike Details

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Details of Cover

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Each and every loss

Required Details

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Trackday Details

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There are no refunds for any unused track days in the event of a claim.

Track Dates

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Please email us at if your activity, circuit or organiser isn’t listed


In deciding to accept this insurance and in setting the terms, TDA and your insurers have relied on the information you have given us. You must take care when answering any questions we ask by ensuring that any information provided is accurate and complete.

Policy Wording
It is important that you read the policy wording before you effect cover with ourselves.
Policy WordingProduct Information

Demands and Needs

  • This product meets the demands and needs of those who wish to cover their motorcycle for accident damage, whilst participating in a non-competitive trackday at a specified circuit and date. This policy does NOT meet the requirements of the Road Traffic Acts.
  • We help you identify your needs by providing appropriate information to help you make an informed choice.
  • You make your own decision on the level of cover that is right for you.
  • We do not provide advice or a recommendation for any of the products we offer, including optional additional cover.
  • Your Policy Schedule confirms the level of cover you have chosen and details of additional cover selected.

I/we agree that this application and declaration, together with any information supplied by me/us, shall form the basis of the contract between myself/ourselves and the Insurer.

Our Terms of Business (Fees and Charges)

Website Usage & Privacy Policy (Data Protection)